USDA Effectively Closes Import of Hunter Harvested Game Birds From Canada

BISMARCK, ND — In a 180-degree reversal of guidance it confirmed less than one week earlier, the United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service announced today that game birds taken by hunters in Canada will not be permitted to enter the United States regardless of the province in which they were taken.
The statement was issued at 6:35 p.m. Eastern Time on Friday September 2, 2022 leading into the Labor Day holiday weekend. Waterfowl hunting seasons in a number of Canadian provinces and portions of provinces opened a day earlier — on September 1 — with US citizens participating, unaware the ducks and geese they are taking won’t be allowed back in the states.
“Both the regulation itself and its timing are extremely troubling,” said Delta’s chief policy officer John Devney. “APHIS assured us just days ago that import would only be restricted on birds taken in Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza priority control zones. Who knows how many US hunters have headed to Canadian hunting camps believing they would be able to bring the birds they harvest back into the States by following the normal transport regulations that were in place when they left? Now they are going to be totally blindsided when they get back to the border.”
Delta Waterfowl has already issued a letter of protest addressed to USDA APHIS administrator Keven Shea protesting this mid-stream policy change and requesting immediate reconsideration of the decision.
Devney added, “It’s sadly all of the law-abiding, ethical waterfowl hunters who will feel the weight of this whip-lash policy change from APHIS. Their birds will be confiscated at the border and ultimately disposed of. What a terrible waste! The Duck Hunters Organization will do all it can to try to see that reasonable regulations are reinstated as soon as possible.”
The statement of the USDA APHIS restriction on hunter harvested wild game bird meat from Canada is posted at:
For more information contact: Delta chief policy officer John Devney at:
This is extremely disheartening. I look forward to contributing to Canada in exchange for a waterfowl opportunity. I also enjoy all the game meat harvested. This will leave a bad taste and hurt the waterfowl dollars for Canada. I sure hope there’s more info given related to the “influenza” zones. Please help! I already purchased my license for Oct. will these get reimbursed?
It’s crazy how science changes and people make smart decisions to try and protect people and the species for which your organization relies. What a joke of an article. Won’t be with Delta any longer!
You must be joking. Migration is a thing. The birds are coming in either way.
Bob, based upon your position apparently, you’ve seen the science on this decision? The announcement reeks of political undertones towards hunters and gun owners. Furthermore, it was an 11th hour decision in front of a long holiday weekend 2 days after the start of the Canadian waterfowl season.
Good, sound, and timely decisions are not a trait this current administration has a history of. You should set your political agenda aside and question, challenge, and investigate the data supporting these decisions.
Regarding the seizure of birds entering the US the hunters will be turned around to reenter Canada to dispose of them.I’m sure there won’t be any wanton waste!
Can someone please explain the difference between harvested birds being brought across the boarder and the thousands of birds migrating across the boarder !!!
Totally a JB like move you can’t harvest and bring across border but the birds can fly across and you can harvest with no problems. We have some real Dumbasses in Washington.
We better put a big net up across the border to stop all the migrating birds too man this makes a lot of sense SMH……..
Glad my location is Norman, Oklahoma because Next weekend September 2022 teal/geese season opens. OMG talk about BAD TIMING if you are from USA and are hunting in CANADA???
Asked this question of your representative months ago. First question ever asked…been member for years…in Canada now .THANKS FOR THE UNTIMELY RESPONSE
Instead of banding next year, check the birds for sickness and mask all that are well. Then we go to Canada shoot masked birds only.
[…] Waterfowl echoed these sentiments. Their chief policy officer, John Devney, is quoted as saying this: “APHIS assured us just days ago that import would only be restricted on birds […]
[…] Waterfowl echoed these sentiments. Their chief policy officer, John Devney, is quoted as saying this: “APHIS assured us just days ago that import would only be restricted on birds […]