HunteR3 is Delta Waterfowl’s bold new initiative to boost the number of waterfowl hunters in North America.
The name “HunteR3” is derived by combining Delta’s position in the waterfowl world as The Duck Hunters Organization with the wildlife-agency world term “R3.” The abbreviation R3 stands for recruitment, retention, and reactivation. HunteR3 is Delta’s programmatic initiative to recruit, retain and reactivate waterfowl hunters throughout North America.
The key components of HunteR3 are:
First Hunt
Delta Waterfowl’s First Hunt is the largest waterfowl hunter recruitment program in North America. Since its inception, Delta’s volunteer chapter leaders have introduced more than 80,000 people to the ways of duck and goose hunting. Chapters across the United States and Canada hosted 263 First Hunt events with a total of 12,367 participants. Learn more
University Hunting Program
Hunting plays a critical role in conservation–but up to 70 percent of university wildlife management students have never hunted and may never have been given the opportunity. The University Hunting Program provides students who will use hunting licenses and permit revenues to manage waterfowl with a firsthand hunting experience and equips them with a more holistic view of hunting and conservation. Learn more
Defending the Hunt
Delta Waterfowl serves as the “voice of the duck hunter” throughout North America. We continue to vigorously defend threats to duck hunting opportunities anytime, anywhere. Our legion of active members and volunteers alert Delta staff to issues that pose a risk to duck hunting, and we take action – whether at a local, state, provincial or national level – to repel these threats. Learn more
Mentor Recognition
Delta Waterfowl launched a Mentor Recognition Program to raise awareness about the decline in waterfowl hunter numbers and the resulting impact of a diminishing voice. The program celebrates and recognizes the efforts of mentors who take new hunters afield with certificates and prizes. First Duck, a companion program sponsored by Realtree, awards a special certificate to hunters who shoot their first duck or goose. Learn more
First Duck
No matter your age, bagging your first duck is cause for celebration! Delta is proud to present new hunters with a certificate to commemorate this important milestone. Share with us a short story detailing your experience, submit a high-quality image, and keep an eye out for your photo to be featured on the Delta website or in the organization’s award-winning Delta Waterfowl magazine. Submissions can be mailed to Delta’s headquarters or submitted online. Learn More

Basics of Waterfowling
This handy guide to the different types of duck calls will help you determine the right one for you.
So you just shot a couple ducks – now what?
From breasting to plucking, here are a variety of ways to prepare your birds for the table.
Click here for more videos.

Dr. Frank’s duck wraps are great for a meal or as appetizers. View Recipe

Spicy goose fajitas are excellent and easy to prepare. This recipe feeds an entire family.
Looking for more recipes? Click here.