Minnesota Artist Wins 2021 Federal Duck Stamp Art Contest

An acrylic painting of redheads by Delta Waterfowl member James Hautman of Chaska, Minnesota, was selected from 137 entries as the winner of the 2021 Federal Duck Stamp Art Contest in Falls Church, Virginia.
Notably, the win — Hautman’s sixth — breaks a three-way tie for most career Duck Stamp victories. Hautman had been tied with his brother Joseph, who most recently won in 2017, and Maynard Reece, best known for his depiction of the national champion Labrador retriever King Buck on the 1959-1960 Duck Stamp. Robert Hautman of Delano, Minnesota, the third brother in a Duck Stamp dynasty, has won three times.
Additionally, Robert Hautman placed second in this year’s contest with his acrylic painting of Ross’s geese. Third place went to Joshua Spies of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, with his acrylic depiction of a flying drake redhead.
James Hautman’s beautiful artwork — which centers on a drake and hen riding choppy waters, complemented by a passing flock and a pair of hunters with a black Labrador retriever — will be made into the 2022-2023 Federal Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp, a.k.a. Duck Stamp.
Established in 1934, Duck Stamp sales have raised more than $1 billion for conservation, including approximately $40 million annually. Funds raised conserve wetland habitat in the National Wildlife Refuge System to benefit wildlife (especially ducks) and people, and help provide countless opportunities for hunting, fishing and other outdoor recreation on our public lands. The $25 stamp is required of all hunters aged 16 and older to hunt waterfowl in the United States.
The 2022-2023 Duck Stamp will go on sale in late June 2022.
“The talent at this year’s Duck Stamp contest was incredible,” said USFWS principal deputy director Martha Williams. “The remarkable attention to detail showcases the birds’ beauty in their natural environment. The sale of Duck Stamps plays a major role in the conservation of public lands … .”
For more information, visit http://www.fws.gov/birds/get-involved/duck-stamp/buy-duck-stamp.php.
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