E-news Sneak Peek: Craftsmanship on Display at Upcoming Delta Expo
Talented carvers will take to the Expo show floor to share their tips, tricks, and techniques

In a few short months, waterfowlers from across North America will gather in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, on July 26-28, 2024, to experience the largest event dedicated to the duck hunter—the Delta Waterfowl Duck Hunters Expo, presented by Federal Ammunition. Featuring 120,000 square feet of show floor and three special guest-filled stages, experts are prepared to set you up with the best gear, apparel, and intel to score limit after limit this season.
Plus, The Duck Hunters Organization has recruited top talents to share their unique and timeless crafts.
Waterfowl Hunting Heritage Booth
Friday, July 26: noon – 6 p.m.
Saturday, July 27: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Sunday, July 28: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Rewind into the rich history that has inspired the decoys and calls we know today. Skilled carvers Pat Gregory of Bloomington, Illinois, and Dale Bordelon of Effie, Louisiana, will conduct interactive decoy and call carving demonstrations and offer hands-on experience and expert advice in a dedicated section of the massive exhibit hall.
More details regarding our booth talent will be available soon.
Delta Waterfowl Callmakers Championship
presented by Chêne Gear and Treadstone Logistics
Friday, July 26 at 10 a.m.
Delta Waterfowl will again present the Delta Waterfowl Callmakers Championship to bring attendees a taste of callmaking style. Presented by Chêne Gear and Treadstone Logistics, the tribute-style callmaking contest selects a late, distinguished callmaker for competitors to emulate. This year’s competitors will craft calls in tribute to famed Louisiana callmaker Sonny Kirkpatrick. An additional open division will allow participants to showcase their own personal flare. The contending calls will be judged and showcased over the course of this exciting three-day event.
For more information or to purchase tickets, visit deltawaterfowlexpo.com.
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