Delta Waterfowl’s “Working Wetlands” Rolls Out Across the Prairie Pothole States

Today it’s real.
In this video, Delta Waterfowl senior vice president John Devney explains that for seven years, The Duck Hunters Organization has worked toward a new voluntary, incentive-based program to encourage conservation of small temporary and seasonal wetlands that are vital to duck production in the prairie pothole states.
Delta’s pilot program in North Dakota, called “Working Wetlands”, was a success. Then, language to create the program was included in the 2018 Farm Bill. This week USDA-NRCS opened up enrollment for farmers in five states to participate in the Prairie Pothole Water Quality and Wildlife Habitat program.
This program could positively impact as many as 30,000 small temporary and seasonal wetlands in North Dakota alone. This is great news for ducks and duck hunters across North America as we have another tool to conserve the most important duck breeding habitat.
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