Delta Waterfowl Names Chapter Leaders from Louisiana and Ontario as 2022-2023 Volunteers of the Year

For immediate release
August 15, 2023
BISMARCK, NORTH DAKOTA — The late Brandon Broussard of Abbeville, Louisiana, and Reece Dierick of Vanessa, Ontario, were presented as Delta Waterfowl’s 2022-2023 Volunteers of the Year on July 29 during The Duck Hunter’s EXPO in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Delta Waterfowl’s Volunteer of the Year Award, presented by Stoeger, recognizes outstanding chapter leaders who demonstrate exceptional commitment and effort to Delta Waterfowl in support of the organization’s mission to produce ducks and ensure the future of waterfowl hunting throughout North America. Delta Waterfowl has more than 5,000 volunteers among the organization’s 330 chapters.
“The passion and dedication of Delta’s chapter volunteers drives The Duck Hunters Organization toward success to deliver programs for ducks and duck hunters,” said Dr. Scott Petrie, chief executive officer. “We appreciate the contributions of every one of Delta’s volunteers, and those nominated for the Volunteer of the Year Award represent the best of the best volunteers in conservation.”
Broussard, who died unexpectedly on June 11 at age 47, served as the chairman of Delta’s Vermilion Chapter since 2006 and as chairman of Delta’s Louisiana State Committee since its 2015 inception.
The Vermilion Chapter annually ranks as one of Delta’s best and most active, and Broussard’s dedication to waterfowl conservation was a driving force locally and throughout Louisiana.
The Vermilion Chapter’s 2022 event netted $180,420, an extraordinary accomplishment after not being able to hold an in-person event the prior two years because of COVID-19 restrictions. It’s noteworthy that the chapter is based in Abbeville, a city of just 11,000 people.
“It is truly remarkable to have such a large amount of money be raised in such a small town, and it’s a testament to Broussard and the chapter committee’s efforts for Delta Waterfowl,” said Justin Higdon, regional events director for Louisiana.
Last October, Broussard and the Vermilion Chapter hosted a sponsor appreciation dinner to promote Delta’s Million Duck Campaign to a group of donors. Once again, Broussard demonstrated his tremendous commitment to Delta’s conservation work.
As Delta’s Louisiana State Committee chairman, Broussard focused on improving the state’s wintering habitat for waterfowl and creating the best opportunities to hunt ducks and geese. One example is the ongoing effort to fund millions in repairs and maintenance for levees and infrastructure at the White Lake Wetlands Conservation Area in Vermilion Parish.
“Broussard is an unbelievable resource for Louisiana,” Higdon wrote in his nomination letter in March. “He is always willing to help other chapters in any capacity they need. His experience and history as chairman of one of the most successful events in the organization has earned the respect of all other chapters in the state.”
Broussard was chosen as Delta Waterfowl’s 2022-2023 U.S. Volunteer of the Year in May, before anyone knew the extent of the medical issues that took his life.
“He was chosen as Volunteer of the Year for everything he did for ducks and duck hunters,” Higdon said recently. “He deserved the award, and we miss his friendship and amazing leadership.”
Dierick, chairman of Delta’s Norfolk Chapter in Port Rowan, Ontario, revitalized the chapter following the impact of COVID-19 restrictions. His leadership has brought in a new team of volunteers to rebuild the chapter, and it was the one of the first in Canada to return to hosting traditional in-person events.
“Dierick tackled every challenge and unknown to get the chapter back to normal operations,” said Blake Schmirler, Delta’s regional director for Ontario. “He didn’t waver and said ‘I don’t care what I have to do. Let’s make this banquet happen.’ He has tremendous passion, drive, and determination for his community, duck hunters, and Delta Waterfowl.”
Under Dierick’s leadership, the Norfolk Chapter has undertaken duck blind restoration projects in public hunting areas, built nesting structures, initiated firearms Possession and Acquisitions License (PAL) and hunter safety courses, worked with the Jack Miner Waterfowl Sanctuary, and assisted other chapters to produce ducks and recruit new hunters.
“Dierick is personable, friendly, welcoming, creative, intuitive, compassionate, and community driven. He’s outstanding, and he deserves to be Delta’s Volunteer of the Year for Canada,” Schmirler said.
Nine finalists were chosen from a field of more than 300 nominees who were recognized by their local chapters for their leadership and dedication to Delta Waterfowl’s mission and vision. In addition to Broussard and Dierick, finalists for the 2022-2023 Volunteer of the Year include:
Matt Holicky
RVA Chapter, Richmond, Virginia
Holicky stands out for his humility and enthusiasm to go out of his way for Delta Waterfowl. As the chapter’s co-chair, he immediately became a top contributor to his committee and has become a highly devoted, energetic asset. Holicky has planned multiple youth hunts and has taken the reins on events and the annual banquet. He takes pride in including family and teaching the next generation of waterfowlers that opportunity can be obtained through hard work and dedication.
Ben Campbell
Kaskaskia River Chapter, New Athens, Illinois
Campbell’s vision has driven his chapter to growth in fundraising at the chapter’s annual event and an additional fundraiser. The chapter holds a youth spring snow goose hunt and fall veterans’ duck hunt. Through Campbell’s leadership and encouragement, volunteers remain active locally in partnership with local state fish & wildlife to provide nesting structures and initiate millet planting.
Scott Kovacevich
Central Valley Chapter, Fresno, California
Kovacevich has led his chapter to achieve the top net fundraising performance in the region. The chapter has invested Waterfowl Heritage Fund dollars into impactful projects such as maintaining blinds for disabled hunters at the Mendota Wildlife Refuge, hosting youth hunts, and assisting local shooting teams. Kovacevich has a strong desire to grow Delta’s presence in the West and has aided in forming additional chapters in California and Nevada.
Chase Miller
Aggieland Chapter, College Station, Texas
Within his first year as chairman of the Aggieland Chapter, Miller increased the committee to 13 members and led an event that netted $80,000, a record for a new chapter. Miller is a great example of supporting Delta’s cause on the national, state, and local levels. The chapter’s local involvement includes a wood duck box installation project and donating to help fix infrastructure at a local public hunting area.
Thomas Reed
South Central New York Chapter, Greene, New York
Reed displays a relentless commitment to Delta Waterfowl. He has hosted and grown Delta’s University Hunting Program at Cornell University for the past two years and inspired other universities to join the program. Reed travels to other chapter dinners and the regional meeting to help with the events. He is all in for his chapter and region, working patiently and finding resources for the betterment of his leadership and Delta Waterfowl.
Craig Rintamaki
Grande Prairie Spoonbills, Grande Prairie, Alberta
Led by Rintamaki, the chapter committee put on the most successful Western Canada Dinner with the highest net income for a first-time event. The chapter is ahead of the game on future fundraising events. With success in fundraising, the Grande Prairie Spoonbills will focus on field day hunts and Hen House projects locally. With years of experience and dedication to conservation, Rintamaki is a powerful force for Delta Waterfowl.
Lenny Murphy
Eastern Flight Chapter, Mt. Stewart, Prince Edward Island
Through his humble demeaner, Lenny Murphy has been a collaborative, steady influencer and leader of the Eastern Flight Chapter. Murphy led several initiatives, including to produce and maintain 235 duck nest boxes, and to host a sporting clays summer shoot, youth mentored hunts and women’s introduction to shooting sports. In addition, Murphy goes above and beyond to ensure all events are successful and enjoyable for all participants.
Congratulations to all of Delta’s Volunteer of the Year nominees, finalists, and winners. You truly are the lifeblood of Delta Waterfowl. Thank you!
Delta Waterfowl is The Duck Hunters Organization, a leading conservation group working to produce ducks and ensure the future of duck hunting in North America. Visit
For more information, contact Bryan Leach at
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