Raised in Cedar Springs, Ontario, near the shores of Lake St. Clair and Roneau Bay, Scott McGuigan is Delta Waterfowl’s development director for Canada, with a focus on the Ontario and Alberta markets. Previously employed as a waterfowl guide and outdoor writer, he’s no stranger to the hunting community.

“I knew I wanted to continue working in the outdoor industry, and there’s no better organization than Delta Waterfowl to fulfill that passion,” McGuigan said. “Delta is growing rapidly in the Canadian marketplace, and it’s rewarding professionally to raise funds for Delta to recruit new waterfowlers, produce ducks and conserve habitat in Canada.”

McGuigan most enjoys engaging waterfowlers who are less familiar with Delta Waterfowl, and witnessing their excitement when informed of the organization’s mission to produce ducks and secure the future of waterfowl hunting.

“Seeing others become excited about what we do is one of the best parts of my job,” he said. “It’s rewarding to help affect changes that benefit ducks and duck hunters, to witness the fruits of our labors come to bear at such things as Delta First Hunt events, and to work in a field that’s my passion and profession.”

A graduate of Butler University, where he played varsity baseball, McGuigan enjoys fly fishing and hunting big game, upland birds over pointers, and of course, waterfowl.
