URGENT from Delta Waterfowl:
American Non-Resident Manitoba Waterfowl License Deadline is July 15
All American waterfowlers wishing to hunt Manitoba this fall must apply before deadline. Delta offers guidelines to ease the online-only application process.

BISMARCK, NORTH DAKOTA—All American waterfowl hunters wishing to hunt on their own in Manitoba this fall must apply for their 2023 license online by Saturday, July 15. It’s the only way to acquire a duck and goose hunting license this fall to hunt without an outfitter. No over-the-counter licenses will be sold during the hunting season.
The application process is not very intuitive, so Delta offers these guidelines to ease the process. (We recommend setting aside an uninterrupted 30 minutes with reliable internet connection to complete the application).
Delta’s Manitoba Waterfowl License Application Guidelines
- Gather your passport, hunter safety certification information, and credit card.
- Go to website: https://www.manitobaelicensing.ca/licensing.page.
- In upper right, click on tab “Sign In or Create Account” and follow the process to create an e-licensing account. You must provide a form of ID (for US citizens that will be your passport number since you’ll need it to get into Canada anyway) and create a password. Be sure to click on the “+” at “Going Hunting or Fishing?” to provide additional required information.
- Sign out and return to: https://www.manitobaelicensing.ca/licensing.page. Ignore all tabs at the top. Instead, click on the picture of two hunters with a white-tailed buck labeled “Hunting Licence.”
- On the next page, go to the bottom of the page and click the circle before “Foreign Resident (Hunting/Forestry).” Then click “Proceed” at lower right.
- Under the “Purchase Licence” label, there are two options: “Forestry” or “Draw.” Select “Draw.”
- Clicking here will give you the option under the “Game Bird” label to select “FRGB – General Foreign Resident Migratory Game Bird Draw, Licence Year: 2023.” Click on the “Apply” button at the far right of that category. (You’ll note that the fine print reads: “The licences are valid for a seven consecutive day period. In case you are successful in the Draw (sic), you will be able to choose the desired dates.” Rest assured that, at least for the 2023 season, ALL applicants will receive a license).
- The next page is labeled “Choose Code.” (Do not be concerned that the “Applicant Type” indicates “Group.” It is the only option.) Ignore the “Filter” line that asks for “Code” and “Description.” Just go down to the circle in front of “FRGBD Migratory Game Bird Draw Licence” and click it. Then click “Confirm Choices” at bottom right.
- A new screen asks if you want to add group members. If you do, they will need to already have a customer ID number. If not, click through to payments by selecting “Add To Cart” button at bottom right. A popup will appear to confirm whether you do or do not want to add group members.
- The next screen requires you to add or attest to hunter education certification. Complete either one, then click “Add to Cart and Checkout” at lower right.
- Fill out the payment info requiring a credit card to pay the $11.50 ($7.00 + $4.50 transaction fee). Submit payment, and it will give you a confirmation page (which we recommend you screenshot) and send an email to you, along with a receipt.
With that, you will have successfully applied.
Manitoba elicensing assistance is available by calling 1-877-880-1203 between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m. central time.
Even though Manitoba is calling it a “drawing,” all applicants will receive a license. Payment for the license itself will be taken from the credit card by which you paid the application fees. If you were to cancel that credit card or Manitoba could not take payment from it for any reason, it could impact your ability to buy any license (hunting or fishing) in Manitoba in the future.
These new regulations are primarily designed to crack down on ‘rogue’ outfitters and relieve the difficulty resident hunters perceive in gaining hunting access in highly-pressured regions in Manitoba.
Again, NO OVER-THE-COUNTER FOREIGN NON-RESIDENT WATERFOWL HUNTING LICENSES WILL BE SOLD in Manitoba this year. Completing this application process via the website by July 15 is the only way for Americans to acquire a license to hunt waterfowl without an outfitter in Manitoba this fall.
Delta Waterfowl is The Duck Hunters Organization, a leading conservation group working to produce ducks and secure the future of waterfowl hunting in North America. Visit deltawaterfowl.org.
For more information, contact John Devney at jdevney@deltawaterfowl.org.
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