Winter Issue Highlights Mallard Hunting, Wetland Conservation

The mallard migration will soon peak across the mid- and southern United States, but a big flight of greenheads is no guarantee of success. These are ducks that have seen it all during their journey across the continent, so if you want to put a few fully plumed drakes on your strap, you better have some tricks up your camouflage sleeve. In the Winter Issue of Delta Waterfowl magazine, that’s exactly what you’ll find: Original, creative strategies for decoy-shy, late-season mallards that’ll catch the ducks by surprise.

The majority of mallards heading south, along with teal, gadwalls and pintails, were produced by the patchwork of shallow wetlands spread across the vast prairie pothole region. Unfortunately, wetland drainage has been happening for decades across the prairies, with real impacts on breeding ducks. In the Winter Issue, you’ll learn about Delta’s innovative Working Wetlands program, a winning solution for farmers and ducks that’s being embraced by agricultural producers.

For diver hunters, the winter months mean goldeneye time, and writer Brian Lovett delivers cutting-edge tactics for nabbing big, hardy whistlers.

There’s also plenty of waterfowling excitement packed into the Winter Issue. Editor and publisher Paul Wait takes you to Kansas for a mixed-bag adventure, while managing editor Kyle Wintersteen’s hunt for black ducks and brant might change everything you thought you knew about New Jersey. You’ll enjoy a Pacific Flyway hunt with Delta’s Puget Sound Chapter, as captured through the lens of Delta senior photographer Fred Greenslade. Then, it’s time to head to the Texas Gulf, where Jack Hirt found himself swarmed by pintails and redheads.

As always, the Winter Issue carries a full slate of informative and entertaining columns such as Duck Dogs, Shotgunning, Strategies and Duckology to help you get the most from your waterfowl season.

The only way to receive Delta Waterfowl magazine is to join The Duck Hunters Organization. If you are a member, thank you for your support. The Winter Issue will arrive soon!

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