Minnesota Artist Wins 2016 Duck Stamp Contest

A stunning trio of Canada geese in flight by Chaska, Minnesota, artist James Hautman will grace the 2017-2018 Duck Stamp.
Hautman’s acrylic painting was selected by a five-judge panel at the 2016 Federal Duck Stamp Art Contest, held Saturday in Philadelphia. It won the contest from 152 entries, with eligible species including Canada geese, brant, northern shovelers, red-breasted mergansers and Steller’s eiders.
The Hautman brothers have won an incredible 12 of the past 25 Duck Stamp competitions. James Hautman is now tied with his brother, Joseph — whose tundra swans won last year’s contest — at five wins apiece. Robert Hautman has two Duck Stamp victories, and his acrylic pair of Canada geese took third this year.
Second place went to Rebekah Knight of Appleton City, Missouri, for her acrylic painting of a single brant. Knight won the 2006-2007 National Junior Duck Stamp Contest with a redhead.
Ninety-eight cents of every dollar spent on Duck Stamps — which are required to hunt migratory birds in the United States — directly supports conservation efforts. Since 1934, Duck Stamp sales have generated more than $850 million and conserved 5.7 million acres of waterfowl habitat.
A Duck Stamp featuring this year’s winning artwork will be available in June 2017 at national wildlife refuges, sporting goods retailers, U.S. post offices or online at http://www.fws.gov/birds/get-involved/duck-stamp/buy-duck-stamp.php.
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