Page, 60, has served on the Delta Waterfowl Board of Directors since fall 2016.

Page is president and CEO of McWane, Inc., which manufactures and sells water infrastructure materials and technology solutions and support. He has been with McWane since 1999. Previously, he held management positions at National Bank of Commerce, the Remington Fund and Bankers Trust Company in New York and Atlanta. He is a graduate of Vanderbilt University in Nashville and holds a graduate degree from the University of Virginia Darden School of Business.

Beyond Delta Waterfowl, many causes benefit from Page’s board participation. He’s especially supportive of local causes in and around Birmingham, including Birmingham Museum of Art, Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham, Birmingham Education Foundation and the Independent Presbyterian Church Foundation, among others. He’s past chairman of the Alabama Symphony Orchestra board of directors.

Page grew up duck hunting near his hometown of Memphis, Tennessee. He remains active in two duck clubs in the Mississippi Delta: Walnut Bayou and Snow Brake.

“Being part of a truly science-based effort to understand and increase duck breeding success is of great interest to me,” he said.