
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam pretium arcu quis porttitor accumsan. Sed euismod orci id leo tempor iaculis. Vivamus id erat malesuada, feugiat nulla eget, fringilla est. Suspendisse maximus, velit non finibus gravida, quam orci dictum lacus, quis tempor nisl est id lorem. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam at purus magna. Morbi nec ex nec purus vulputate hendrerit vitae ut velit. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus hendrerit erat eget velit consectetur iaculis. Curabitur et maximus nisi. Nulla feugiat orci sit amet vulputate semper. Vestibulum feugiat congue libero, sit amet ultricies lacus aliquet non. Nunc tincidunt pretium erat nec pulvinar.

Duck Dogs-Build Confidence with Retrieves

Build Confidence with Retrieves Dogs that consistently make challenging retrieves aren’t just skilled and experienced — they have great confidence. The key to building it? Never [...]

Goose Pastrami

Goose Pastrami Are you looking for a simple way to enjoy both Canada and Snow Geese? This easy recipe is great for group gatherings and [...]

Delta Tested: Eukanuba Sport Dog Food

Delta Tested: Eukanuba Sport Dog Food Delta staffer Kyle Wintersteen gives an overview of Eukanuba's Sporting Dog Food. Eukanuba Sport Dog Food is designed for sporting dogs [...]

Steady Dogs

A Steady Dog A “steady” dog is paramount to a safe hunt. Emphasize steadiness in your training by consistently denying your dog a retrieve if she [...]

Duck Dog Tip of the Week: Puppy Games

Duck Dog Tip of the Week: Puppy Games Training your puppy with games. Dog training works best when you're both having fun. Todd Agnew gives a short [...]

January 2021 Migration Report

January 2021 Waterfowl Migration Report Get the latest information on waterfowl migrations for ducks, geese and other birds in your flyway zone from Delta Waterfowl. [...]

Duck Dog Tip of the Week: ICE hazards

Duck Dog Tip of the Week: Ice Hazards The “Gun Dog Doc” Joe Spoo, DVM, explains the dangers of ice, breaking ice, and open water. Being conscious [...]

Snow Goose Sous Vide

Snow Goose Sous Vide Snow goose is a delicious, savory bird. If you have a small gathering or smart occasion, you can celebrate your wild game [...]

Delta Tested: Boss “Shorty” Shells

Delta Tested: Boss "Shorty" Shells Delta staffer Kyle Wintersteen puts the copper-plated bismuth within Boss Shotshells to the test in the duck blind and on a pattern [...]

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