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Spicy Goose Fajitas

Spicy Goose Fajitas Delta Waterfowl member Scott Doheny of New Prague, Minnesota loves to prepare his duck and goose with a little flair—that is, a note of [...]


Risotto A good risotto takes a bit of time to make, but it's worth the effort, and restaurant-quality risotto is not that difficult or complicated to make. [...]

Duck au Vin

Duck au Vin The French have a recipe called Coq au Vin, which basically is chicken braised in wine and chicken stock and served with bacon, mushrooms [...]

Teriyaki Goose Spring Rolls

Teriyaki Goose Spring Rolls There was something about the recipe submitted by Delta Waterfowl member Ralph Nestor of Cashton, Wisconsin that got our attention. Perhaps it was [...]

Duck Wraps

Dr. Frank's Duck Wraps These are wicked-good as a meal or as appetizers. If you duck hunt, then you probably love ducks cooked about any old [...]

Duck Pot Pie

Duck Pot Pie I’ve never had “4 and 20 blackbirds baked in a pie”, but I have eaten duck baked in a pie, and it was [...]

Best Wild Duck Recipe

Best Wild Duck Recipe This recipe comes courtesy of award-winning food blogger and avid waterfowler Hank Shaw, host of Hunter Angler Gardener Cook. Roast Duck The best [...]

Bacon and Fire

Bacon and Fire By Tyler Shoberg Bacon and Fire. A great combination! Smoked Spanish paprika? Black truffle oil? Were these actual ingredients for a waterfowl recipe? Or [...]

Spoony Wraps

Spoony Wraps By Pat Gregory MANY WATERFOWL hunters sell short the table fare of some species of ducks. Northern shovelers are one of the most abundant ducks [...]

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