York Region Chapter – Newmarket, ON
Saturday, November 25, 2017
Doors Open – 5:30 PM | Dinner – 7:00 PM
Youth Ticket – $35
Single Ticket – $65
Couples Ticket – $100
Table of 8 – $400
Table of 10 – $500
Raffle Bag Bonus Package – $100 – includes a Delta Raffle Bag and $200 worth of Raffle Tickets. Does NOT include admission to the event.
Join us for the 2nd Annual York Region Delta Waterfowl Conservation Dinner and Auction!
There will be lots of great raffles, draws & auction items. There will be a minimum of 4 guns to be won plus other great items including hunting and camping gear, home decor and artwork!
For more information contact Chris Tucker at (416) 669-4796 or email deltawaterfowlyorkregion@gmail.com
Cardinal Golf Club, 2740 Davis Drive West, King City, ON L7B 0G7
Please Choose Canadian Funds