Hastings County Chapter – Tweed, ON
Saturday, April 15, 2023
Doors Open – 5:30 PM | Dinner – 7:00 PM
Live Auction | Silent Auction | Raffles | Prizes | So Much More!
- Youth Ticket – $40
- Single Ticket – $65
- Couples Ticket – $125
- Table of 8 – $500
For more information contact Jim Palmateer:
(613) 848-1733 | jimjudypalmateer@hotmail.com
The Belleville Fish and Game Club
170 Elmwood Drive
Belleville, ON K8N 4Z4
Must have a valid PAL to acquire any firearms from this event
*** If purchasing tickets online, your tickets will be at the door. Please bring emailed receipt as proof of purchase ***
Please Choose Canadian Funds