Hen Houses

Delta Waterfowl puts more mallards into the fall flight!
Delta Waterfowl Hen Houses are the most cost-effective tool to increase mallard production. Targeted to areas of the highest mallard breeding density, Hen Houses consistently boost nest success to more than 60 percent and commonly to 80 percent — in areas where ground-nesting mallards typically achieve nest success of less than 10 percent.
Delta Waterfowl’s research led to today’s efficiently designed “Supersites” — clusters of 100 or more Hen Houses installed in relatively small geographic areas with extremely high breeding mallard densities. Supersites send thousands of mallards south, while reducing the cost of labor and fuel to produce ducks.
Delta maintains Hen Houses across the key breeding areas of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, North Dakota, Minnesota and Ontario. More than 10,000 Hen Houses will be in place by 2018.
Click Here to learn how to Build, Install and Maintain your Hen House.