Waterfowl Heritage Fund


Waterfowl Heritage Fund (WHF) allows Delta Waterfowl fundraising chapters to direct conservation and hunter recruitment projects at the local level. In most conservation fundraising models, chapters send all of the money raised to the organization’s headquarters. While those funds are applied to the overall mission of the group, all local areas typically don’t see the benefit.

Since 2002, Delta has operated with a different philosophy. Delta’s WHF allows chapters to keep — and use — 15 percent of the net proceeds from a fundraising banquet. Whether applied to local projects such as wood duck boxes, First Hunt events and scholarships, or reallocated back to Delta with specific earmarks for predator management, student research or other Delta programs, WHF places control in the hands of local members. Not surprisingly, Delta chapters across the United States and Canada are energized by WHF. After all, it’s a great motivator knowing (a portion) of the banquet money can stay in your community.

Get involved in a local chapter today!

Since inception in 2002, more than one million WHF dollars have supported over 12,000 mentored waterfowl hunt and field day participants, the installation of more than 6,000 nesting structures and scholarships for 452 young waterfowl enthusiasts. WHF is the funding mechanism to harness the passion, energy and commitment of North American waterfowlers. We encourage you to join a local chapter or help start a new one in your area. As a Delta chapter volunteer, you can make a difference at both a national and local level! Find out more about getting involved as a Delta chapter volunteer today!