
  • A flock of ducks, including pintails and mallards, flies through a grey sky.

Maximizing Duck Production

February 15th, 2023|1 Comment

Maximizing Duck Production Delta Waterfowl conservation programs will increase the number of ducks in every fall flight By Paul Wait An abundance of quality habitat for breeding waterfowl is essential to have [...]

  • Duck counts have traditionally involved small planes and manual duck spotting.

How We Count Ducks

February 8th, 2023|0 Comments

How We Count Ducks Accurate population estimates are critical to hunting regs and making ducks By Bill Miller Each August, North America's waterfowl hunters anxiously count down the days awaiting publication of [...]

Expand Your Vocabulary

June 3rd, 2020|1 Comment

Expand Your Vocabulary Dupe wary ducks by mastering species-specific sounds By Brian Lovett The familiar quacks, chuckles and highballs of hen mallards dominate duck calling, and for good reason. Mallards are the most [...]

  • snow geese cranes and other waterfowl

Get the Range Right

November 20th, 2019|0 Comments

Get the Range Right By Bill Miller Advances in shotshell technology make it possible for us to effectively and efficiently take ducks and geese at greater ranges than our predecessors ever dreamed. Today’s [...]

Weather Safety

November 8th, 2018|0 Comments

Weather Safety Cold weather often leads to good duck hunting, but winter storms and sudden weather changes can be hazardous. Here are some precautions to ensure you’re prepared for a [...]

  • Boating safety

Boating Safety

November 8th, 2018|0 Comments

Boating Safety Duck boats tend to be loaded with a lot of gear and used in fairly challenging conditions. Here’s how to determine the limitations of your boat or canoe and err [...]

Cleaning Ducks

November 8th, 2018|1 Comment

Cleaning Ducks So, you just shot a couple ducks - now what? From breasting to plucking, here are a variety of ways to prepare your birds for the table.  [...]

Let’s Get Cooking

November 8th, 2018|0 Comments

Let’s Get Cooking There's no better way to celebrate a successful hunt than with a delicious duck dinner. Here are some simple cooking methods you're sure to love. [...]

Snow Geese Over Water

January 17th, 2017|2 Comments

Snow Geese Over Water By Kyle Wintersteen, Managing Editor Given the popularity of employing massive field spreads to pursue snow geese, hunters under 30 years old might be surprised to learn [...]

Find Ducks in the Late Season

December 7th, 2016|1 Comment

Find Ducks in the Late Season By Kyle Wintersteen What’s my favorite time to hunt ducks? It’s not the early season, despite its pleasant temperatures, nor even the mid-season, when the [...]

  • Cupped up wood duck drake

5 Wood Duck Hunting Tips

September 28th, 2016|12 Comments

5 Ways to Take More Wood Ducks It seems that the wood duck’s survival strategies include behaving far differently than typical dabblers, thereby eluding hunters who cling to conventional tactics. Woodies [...]

Winning the Early Season

September 28th, 2016|1 Comment

Winning the Early Season The early season is an exciting time. Sorely missed shotguns are back in our hands. Retrievers return to blinds, eager to put their training to use. And teal, wood ducks [...]

How to Find the X

September 28th, 2016|0 Comments

How to Find the X Practically every waterfowler knows that if you find “the X” — a magical place where clouds of ducks and geese appear on a given day — [...]

Gunning for Gadwalls

September 28th, 2016|1 Comment

Gunning for Gadwalls By Kyle Wintersteen, Managing Editor In three decades, gadwalls have gone from rare trophies to duck-strap staples across much of North America. Their populations have more than doubled [...]